Article from ScanAsia
Article about I give free secondhand wheelchairs for poor disabled thai people. Click here to open

Jeg indsamler brugte kørestole og giver til fattige Thaier
Jeg indsamler brugte kørestole i Danmark, fikser dem op og giver dem til trængende Thaier, som ikke selv har råd til at købe en ordentlig...

Er 'Brian Wheelchair' den sejeste dansker i Thailand?
Ekstra Bladet online video og artikel august 2015 Ekstrabladet.dk_Link

New handicap car.
I have been driving VW Caravelle minivan and and other minivan for the last 20 years now. But it's to expensive with so big car when i...

Travel between Thailand and Denmark 3 times per year in wheelchair.
I live about 6 month in Thailand every year. I have made a 3 year long contract on a nice house with 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom There are a...